Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana (BCBSLA) is fully aware of the increasingly urgent national issues regarding the affordability of healthcare, the numbers of uninsured and the quality of health services rendered. We’re active at providing education and guidance, thereby helping to implement the new healthcare reform law and shape future legislation.
I worked on this site along with a number of very talented people that brought this site to life on the SharePoint platform. I wanted to post a little information about the site.
It is designed to NOT look like SharePoint and to look more like the Web 2.0 schemes out there that are all the rage. We wanted this to work across as many platforms, devices and browsers as possible so we knew Flash would be an issue. We developed this to be easily managed content wise and to still get the smooth snappy look and feel that Web 2.0 is known for.
Insteading of using CEWPs to display Flash on these pages, we created easy to manage comprehensive content management process that allows users to upload images and content normally, layout their content pages and then update the leader or main pages like the main homepage of this site with a summary of that page in a very Flash looking way.
If you are not a member of BCBSLA you are only seeing about 5% of the site and that is still a lot of content. There is a lot more SharePoint based functionality after you login.
I also worked on this site, on the front-end. Like Eric mentioned, the site was designed using best practices in modern web design.
The site uses cutting-edge front-end design technologies to achieve rich interactive design elements without a single instance of flash, allowing the site to extend across platforms – including mobile and tablet devices! Check it out on an iPad if you don’t believe us.
This site is consumer oriented, delivering an integrated experience offering useful tools, information, services and social media components.
BCBSLA.com is groundbreaking in its approach, connecting the user to the company with a more personal feel than typically seen in the industry.
It was designed carefully and thoughtfully, and will continue to introduce new features throughout the year (including a rumored upgrade to 2010 and an Online Community for members!).
Beautiful site. Very professional, clean, and modern. A perfect balance of white space and relevant content. With many 2.0 sites beginning to look like they were conceived in an Adobe blender and graffitied across the interwebs with reckless abandon, this site utilizes a tasteful and well-executed interface. Extremely impressive. Good work guys!