Absa Capital
Absa Capital, an investment bank, provides merchant banking, corporate banking, and treasury products to the corporate market in South Africa. Its products and services include corporate finance, investment banking, project finance, trade and commodity finance, capital and debt market products, and treasury and corporate banking, including international banking services.
WOW! This site is cool and futuristic!
I don’t understand, this appears to be using no SharePoint features at all, it seems like a flash presentation hosted in a single published page.
This might as well be a page hosted on a web server without sharepoint.
This is not a top sharepoint since it’s got nothing to do with sharepoint really……
Just saw HTML version, looks pretty nice, mostly since it’s using SharePoint
Well done to Amorphous New Media, fantastic job!
Content is housed in sharepoint and published to a flash and HTML front end (for SEO purposes) – Sure it doesn’t leverage every feature of MOSS but rocks the user experience.
Grant Shippey
The HTML version is run completly through Sharepoint, Weparts were built using javascript to render the news, achievements and awards all housed in Sharepoint Lists. 3fifteen did the Sharepoint side and Amorphous the Flash side.
I agree with Zlatan. This is no topsharepoint at all. I went to the HTML and the first link I clicked messed layout up. Well looks like 3Fifteen cocked up the HTML side then.
The menu on the HTML version does not render properly, big white block. I agree with others this is not the best SP website.