Hawaiian Airlines
Hawaii’s largest airline since its founding in 1929, Hawaiian Airlines today serves 20 domestic and international destinations in the Pacific region. It specializes in air transportation among the Hawaiian Islands and bringing visitors to Hawaii from points in the Western U.S. and the South Pacific.
Carrying an average of 6 million passengers a year, Hawaiian Airlines provides high-frequency jet service daily to 8 destinations throughout the Hawaiian Islands and regular service to the South Pacific destinations of Tahiti, American Samoa and Sydney, Australia. In North America it provides daily service to Hawaii from more cities than any other airline.
URL: http://www.hawaiianair.com
Wow! Wonderful web site. Great creativity and it’s on Sharepoint! Thank you for this great list!
Hawaiian Airlines are still in business? I thought they filed for chapter 11 2 years ago. Anyways nice site! Got my vote!
Excellent site has great UI and you would never know it was from sharepoint!!
Wow! I can’t believe this is made with SharePoint! By far the best SharePoint design! Also, I have to mention how nice to finally have this collection of the best designed Sharepoint sites. Bravo TopSharepoint.com!
This is the most popular site built on SharePoint. There is no conference not be mentioned.
Saw the Azure CDN in the source. Did a search and found this company did the migration. http://www.techmanahawaii.com/Work/Hawaiian-Airlines-Windows-Azure-Migration Can’t tell if they upgraded to 2010/2013 though. I assume they just moved the VHDs to the cloud.